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Writer's pictureAbby T

Who is God?

Updated: Jul 27

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” James 1:17

Who is God?

Ah the question that every believer is faced with at least once in their life, and one that many others ask themselves too. As believers, our faith is deeply rooted in who God is. By knowing who He is, we can have security as we trust Him with our lives. For those of you who may not fully believe yet, knowing who God is and what He has done for you is the first step in creating a relationship with Him.

The answers to this question can be found in a few different ways. The most basic way we can find out who God is, is by reading about Him in the bible. The bible tells us God’s attributes and character. Real people who lived before, during, and after Jesus give personal accounts of who God is. And, God Himself tells us who He is through early prophets in the old testament and Jesus in the new testament.

We also get to experience who He is through certain events in life. There are moments in our lives when we get to fully experience the greatness of our God, and through those moments our answer to the question of who He is gets strengthened.

There really isn’t one right answer to this question because God is many things. He is good, loving, gracious, wise, holy, and faithful (the list could go on and on). But I do think there are a few things every person should understand when they are starting their journey with God.

  1. God is the creator of the universe. He created everything from the stars in the sky to the bugs on the ground. But most importantly, He created us in the image of Him. We are His children and nothing we do can ever change that truth. Genesis 1:27

  2. God loves you. Because we are His children and He is our heavenly father, His love for us is stronger than anything we could ever imagine. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die to save us from our sins (if that doesn’t give you chills, I don’t know what will). Nothing could make Him love us any more or any less, His love is already immeasurable. John 3:16

  3. God has a plan. He knows everything that will ever happen. He knows how each and every person’s life will go, and He has written out an amazing plan for all of us. No matter how spectacular we plan our lives to be, God’s plan will always be better. Jeremiah 29:11

  4. God works everything together for good. No matter how dark things seem to get, the end will always be good. He can turn even the most broken hearted into a masterpiece. Romans 8:28

  5. God can do anything and everything. Nothing is impossible with God. He has the power to make anything happen. He is a waymaker and a miracle worker. With God, there is always a way. Luke 1:37

There is nothing we could do to change who God is. He is the same now as He was, and always will be. We can put our hope, trust, and faith in Him because He will always be the same. We find security knowing that the truths of God will never change.


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